The Demiplane of Dread
The Damned
Rules of the Game

Lands of the Core


The Land: Bluetspur is an unearthly domain in the southeastern corner of the Core, where the Balinoks reach 10,000 feet. The Ravenloft Mists hug the southwestern and southern borders. The mountains here are sharply twisted and warped. Massive spurs of rock jut from the peaks at impossible angles, defying gravity. Stone arches bridge the summits, and corkscrew spires rise from the rock as if they were violently driven up through the mountain. At night, small, glowing lights move through the twisted rock. Similiar lights are common above swamps, but there are no swamp gasses to explain the phenomenon here.

Numerous streams drain the west side of the mountains, flowing across the foothills into Kartakass and the Mists. The streams carve deep spectacular gorges through the rock, which expand into narrow canyons.

Vegetation is scarce in Bluetspur, even along the streams. A few fragile, scraggly evergreens grow from the crevices at lower elevations, but the timber line is quite low. Above 3,000 feet, only a few patches of pale yellow grass survive.

The Folk: No people live above ground.

Encounters: Mind flayers appear at the surface only occasionally. If encountered, they attempt to subdue any visitors and add them to a slave pool. Otherwise, no encounters occur above ground; not even small animals live in this barren domain.

Each night spent here brings horrid dreams. The dreamer imagines dark, foul creatures slinking out from the rock and devouring all that is good.....