The Demiplane of Dread
The Damned
Rules of the Game

Lands of the Core


The Land: Borca is a small land in the green, rugged valleys west of Barovia. Vegetation grows wild and lush. In spring and summer, drifts of wildflowers blanket the hillsides. Barovia's snowcapped peaks, Mt. Ghakis and Mt. Baratak, loom on the eastern horizon, sometimes flanking the rising sun.

Borca has two settlements of noteworthy size: Levkarest, population 8,500; and Sturben, population 2,000. The Boristis built their opulent estates near Levkarest. The area boasts several hot springs, in which the public is free to bathe. Ivana Boristi, ruler of Borca, reserves the pools near her chateau for her use alone.

The architecture of Borcan homes appear to be of the Barovian descent, being well built timber and plaster constructions of two, three and sometimes four stories high. The majority are whitewashed.

Differing points would be that all manner of flowers and plants adorn the outside and inside of Borcan homes. Also, unlike the commonly used rectangular entryway design, the "arch" can be found predominantly used in Borcan style homes. Due to the many natural hot springs in the domain, public bathhouses are common in the cities. (out of all the public places, the bathhouses are among the most highly maintained and prized)

Borca is considered one of the more civilized, beauteous, more safe and desirable countries to live in. Not the most, but one of the most when compared to some of the other domains of the land.

The Folk: Most Borcans are poor. The aristocracy has taxed them into abject poverty. Much like the land surrounding them, Borcans are a very beautiful people, especially the aristocracy. They have an allure about them unlike natives from any other domain. Unfortunately, the pauper like appearance of the majority of it's peoples tends to hide this fact. Personal Hygiene is another matter entirely

Despite the fact that most Borcans are poor, they still tend to keep things "nice" or in good condition. Hygiene is important to every Borcan. "Just because you're dirt poor doesn't mean you have to wallow in it." is a famous Borcan saying, which basically embodies the ideals of the people. Borcans may only have an old and worn, wooden spoon to eat every meal out of, but that spoon is most certainly clean!!  The culture level of this land is pre-Renaissance.

The Lord: The Lord of Borca may be female, but she is no lady. Ivana Boristi is mistress of this domain. The natives call her the "Black Widow", because loving her is a fatal affliction. According to Borcan lore, years ago, when a lover was unfaithful, she infected his body with a poison. In time, the poison killed Ivana's rival. Alas, it also eliminated her lover. It is said that Ivana still harbors this poison in her body. Like the carrier of a disease, she herself is immune to its effects, but anyone who samples her passion may die. In Borca, a mother's greatest fear is that Ivana will fancy her handsome young son and literally love him to death.

Ivana wrested control of Borca from her mother Camille in 716. Like her mother before her, Ivana is known for her excesses. She owns Borca. Everyone else simply rents. Her rent collectors (police) include warriors equipped with leather armor and polearms.


Common:                              Rare:

Bats                                      Ghosts

Rats                                       Haunts

Snakes                                   Poltergeists

Spiders                                  Lycanthropes

Wolves                                  Will o' wisps




Minor Picturesque Borca