The Demiplane of Dread
The Damned
Rules of the Game

Lands of the Core


The Land: Although richly forested domains surround it, G'Henna's land is rocky, cold, and dry. The peasants struggle to grow crops of any kind, and the herd animals continually roam in search of adequate grazing. In winter, many of the animals starve.

Several rivers flow from the Balinoks across G'Henna. In spring, the waters flood the banks. In other months, only a thin, murky stream winds through the center of the dry beds. Trees grow along the rivers, but in the Outland, G'Henna's rugged wilderness, almost nothing but scrub survives.

The principal city in G'Henna is Zhukar, home of 10,000 people. It is located near the heart of the domain, in the Balinok foothills. Buildings or worship dot the center of the city. High Priest Yagno Petrovna's grand cathedral towers above them all.

Loyal citizens think of the High Priest's mongrelmen as animals. The creatures' own families treat them no better than curs -- or had better not, lest they suffer the same horrid transformation. As a result, most mongrels flee to the Outland, residing in caves among the rocks, living as best they can. At night, travelers often can spot their campfires and hear their eerie songs of lament.

Travelers in G'Henna frequently encounter dust storms, which force them to take shelter. Mongrelmen never shy from these tempests. According to them, the winds carry their own lost dignity. When the storms die and the sun begins to set, the skies are aflame with color.

The Folk: G'Hennan natives are pale and thin. Most have sparse black hair, which grows in clumps. The men wear beards if they can, using wax to twist them into a single long strand. Esteemed brethen of the church wear garish colors, particularly red. Peasants wear rags.

All aspects of G'Hennan life revolve around the worship of Zhakata. Worshipping this god means that some family member must starve. All food that's grown or imported must go to the church, which offers the food to Zhakata. The leftovers are doled out by the priets, determining who shall feast and who shall famish. Priests are always well fed. Starvation is an honorable death, because it proves one's devotion to Zhakata.

A typical home is filled with religious artifacts. The guesting cup, a drinking vessel offered to all visitiors, is made from the skull of a family member who willingly starved for Zhakata. Vertibrae and finger bones create floral patterns over the doors and above beds. They remind the living of the blessed dead, and bring good luck. None of these things is obvious, since the bones are filed and polished until they gleam like ivory.  The culture level in this land is that of a Bronze Age.

G'Hennans are generally happy. They visitors politely, provided the outsiders adhere to Zhakatan etiquette. Fasting is expected.

The Lord: Yagno Petrovna, high priest of the beast-god Zhakata, rules G'Henna. He is both the spiritual and the political leader of the domain. The priesthood controls most aspects of society.

Criminals--those Yagno deems displeasing to Zhakata--are turned into mongrelmen. Yagno performs a ceremony on the high towers of his cathedral. He strips his victims of their human dignity, which is distilled into great clouds of glittering dust. As the winds carry the dust away, all that remains of the victim is a mongrelman and an outcast. When the infraction is especially severe, Yagno's henchmen toss the mongrel from the tower. To this date, no foreigner has suffered this atrocious transformation. Perhaps Yagno lacks the power to do it--no one is sure.



*Most encounters in G'Henna are with humans and mongrelmen, not intelligent monsters. Humans belong to three categories: priests, worshippers, and blasphemers. Priests are equipped with leather armor, daggers, and scourges. They kill or enslave blasphemers, or give them to Yagno, who transforms them into mongrelmen. Worshippers report blasphemers to the priests. Blasphemers run from everyone.

Common:                              Rare:

Great cats                              Kobolds

Bats                                       Lycanthropes

Snakes                                   Wolves

Mongrelmen                          Giant Insects
