The Demiplane of Dread
The Damned
Rules of the Game

Islands of Terror


The Land: Sanguinia is a mountainous domain completely surrounded by Mist. The highest peak, Mount Radu, rises more than 11,000 feet in the west. It is permanently snowcapped. The exact elevation is difficult to determine, because Sanguinia has no distinct "sea level". At the lands' lowest point, where clear streams gently descend into the Misty Border, the elevation is assumed to be 700 feet.

Sanguinia has three settlements: Tirgo, Fagarus, and Kosova. Each is located beside a river. Castle Guirgiu, sits on a large spur of rock near the center of the domain. Mt. Radu looms behind it.

The weather here is always cold and harsh. Lake Argus, near the center of the domain, is sealed with ice in every season but summer. A strong, harsh wind blows down from the mountain top.

The Folk: Death comes easily in this land, so life is considered precious. Sanguinians cherish their children, are very expressive of their emotions, and live life as fully and robustly as possible.  The culture level is medieval.

The Lord: King Mircea rules Sanguinia. He is old and close to death. His son Prince Ladislav Mircea impatiently bids his time for the crown.


Common:                     Rare:

Bighorn sheep              Winter wolves

Mountain goats             Werewolves

Goblins                        Undead

Owls                            Bears

Deer and elk