The Demiplane of Dread
The Damned
Rules of the Game

Islands of Terror


The Land: A slice of dry land covers the eastern side of Souragne, but the western two-thirds is a dark, swampy maze of waterways, winding through towering cypress draped with moss. Most of the swamp region is submerged. A few solid patches of land rise out of the water, but only a handful of people know their location.

Souragne includes a sliver of ocean on its northern side. The land gives way to a band of saltwater before it meets the Ravenloft Mists a few miles offshore. A small town, Port d'Elhour, lies on the coastline east of the swamp.

The Folk: Souragnien people are very superstitious. They believe in a variety of nature gods, including the "Lord of the Dead," who watches over the swamp. None of the villagers ventures into the swamp willingly, but it is rumored that some outcasts live in floating houses deep within it. The shaman is not afraid to enter the swamp.  The culture level is near a pre-victorian age combined with a post-medieval age.


*Note-encounters in the swamp mainly include lower level undead such as zombies, skeletons and the like. Such encounters are rare away from the swamp.

Common:                              Rare:

Crocodiles                            Lizards

Snakes                                 Toads and frogs

Leeches                               Shambling mound

Giant insects                        Will o'wisp
