The Demiplane of Dread
The Damned
Rules of the Game

Islands of Terror


The Land: Vechor is an island in the Mists. Its border is as strange and twisted as it's lords mind, combining curves and unnaturally straight sections like a piece from a jigsaw puzzle.

The town of Abdok lies in the east. Farmlands surround the town; lands elsewhere are lightly forested. The Cliffs of Vesanis run east to west across teh southern tip of the domain. No one who has climbed them to explore the highlands beyond has ever returned.

The Folk: Townsfolk in Abdok are calm and stoic. They are accustomed to change, because neither their ruler nor the domain is stable. Not long ago, King Easan suddenly decided that each citizen should be branded with an "E" to honor him. Recently the trees became mobile, and the entire layout of the forest shifted. The folk take most of this in stride. Some believe that one day a knight will step out of the Mists and dethrone their king. Unfortunately, that knight my be the harbinger of an even greater darkness.  The culture level is medieval.

The Lord: King Easan rules Vechor. The people know he is mentally deranged. They do not openly oppose him, those that do eventually vanish if they're lucky. Those who are not so lucky turn up dead, or worse.


*Note- In Vechor, the dead may walk, creatures of stone may prowl the cliffs, and trees may bend their stiff, creaking arms to embrace the travelers passing by. Anything may be encountered here, and all manner of strange events may occur. It all depends.....