The Demiplane of Dread
The Damned
Rules of the Game

Lands of the Core


The Land: Arkandale's topography ripples with small, sharp hills, which are thickly forested. Wild game is abundant, especially wolves, and weasels prized for their rich pelts. The Musarde River has carved a valley across the center of the domain. A few scattered villages lie near its banks. The area around each village has been cleared for farming.   

The Folk: Ordinary folk number only a few hundred in Arkandale. They live in small, sturdy wooden houses with thatched roofs. Despite the abundant game in the forests, they do not hunt much. A few are trappers, but most are peasants or artisans, who sell their goods to the small numbered travelers of the Musarde.

Arkandale's forests are thick with wolves who fear no men. Hence, only the boldest folk stray from the river valley. Elders speak of wolf gods and wolves that can walk upright.  The culture level of this land is medieval.

The only relative safe travel through Arkandale is by way of the Musarde. 

The Lord: There is no form of government in Arkandale.  Common law prevails and since the death of the domains most prominent figure, Captain Timothy, all forms of authority have fled this land.


Common:                           Rare:

Werewolves                      Goblins

Rats                                  Wolves

Snakes                              Will o'wisps
