The Demiplane of Dread
The Damned
Rules of the Game

Lands of the Core


The Land: Barovia sits high in the Balinok mountains, near the center of the Core. Through the long winters into late spring, the peaks are capped with snow and ice. The two highest summits, Baratak and Ghakis, reach over 7,000 feet with a quick, deadly ascent. In summer the snows slip from their exposed granite crags, but the crevices in the shadows stay icy year-round. Only Baratak and Ghakis are barren; the other twisting ridges are densely forested. The terrain is rough, with frequent outcroppings and small but sheer cliffs. Only the areas surrounding the Village of Barovia and the valley of Lake Zarovich make for easy travel.

Barovia's valleys begin to green in late spring. Glittering streams twist through the steep, spongy meadows, carrying the snowmelt which eventually feeds the Musarde River in distante domains. Aspen, fir, and pines fill the valleys. The Svalich woods surround Castle Ravenloft and the village of Barovia, before the sea of trees bleeds into the valleys farther east. The Tepurich Forest fills the western valleys.

Wildlife thrives in the woods -- deer and rabbits especially. Rats, which replace the usual peeping rodents, are strangely abundant. Major predators include wolves, which thickly infest the forests, and small black bears. Ravens and hawks cross the skies by day. Songbirds flit through the forests. At night, owls and huge flocks of bats take wing.

The Old Svalich Road, one of the two regularly travelled routes through the Balinoks, crosses the Barovian domain. The road leads to two major settlements: Vallaki, between the two large peaks, and the Village of Barovia, over a pass farther east. Vallaki, population 1,500, lies on the southern shore of Lake Zarovich, Barovia's largest lake. Its inhabitants are mostly fishermen. An equal number of farmers and herders live in the outlying plots around the lake. The farms are small affairs, most of them terraced on the hillside. Orchards of hardy Barovian apples form drifts of pink and white blossoms in spring. Plums, used to make the brandywine tuika, also grow in the valley.

East of Vallaki, the Old Svalich Road climbs a pass, switchbacking to slow the ascent. From the vantage of the pass, travelers can observe the Svalich Road as it leads to the Village of Barovia. Natives have nicknamed the route "the Devil's Descent." The Village of Barovia lies in a valley, surrounded by a collar of dense fog. Once inside the ring of fog, the road crosses the River Ivlis, then follows the river's course towards Barovia. Castle Ravenloft, home of Count Strahd Von Zarovich, is perched on a 1,000-foot precipice north of the road, brooding over the village.

Over 500 people inhabit the Village of Barovia. The buildings are well built timber-and-plaster conctructions of two or three stories. Many are whitewashed. The eaves often are adorned with floral and geometric patterns in yellow and red. A few farmers work the soil surrounding the village, growing mainly potatoes, turnips, and cabbage. Shepherds live outside the ring of fog, tending their animals as best they can. At night, the villagers sometimes hear one of the poor beasts screaming as a wolf takes it down. The village has an evil reputation; no one with any goodness of heart wants to move there. 

The Circle of Fog: The fog surrounding the Village of Barovia is no normal fog. The vapors are extremely deadly. Anyone can freely pass into the ring, however once inside you cannot escape. Any attempt to exit the fog results in the person(s) choking. Death will result unless the individual retreats back into the circle.

The Folk: Barovians tend to be thick and stocky, with broad shoulders and sturdy hips. Most have brown or black hair, but occasionally a dark-eyed blonde is born. Men often wear droopy mustaches. Unmarried men usually have beards; older men tend to shave. The women wear their hair long and loose as a rule, though girls may braid it. Older women cover their heads with kerchiefs. Most Barovian women dress darkly at all times, as it is their custom to wear black for five years even when the most distant relative has died. The men, in contrast, wear white shirts and embroided sheepskin vests, and don a black arm band only when an immediate family member has passed away.

Barovians bear the burden of Count Strahd's yoke every day. As a result, they tend to be reserved, and surly or gruff. They keep to themselves and don't cause trouble, because troublemakers tend to end up dead -- or worse.

Barovians dread the night. Before the sun sets, all natives are in their homes, with every entry barred and sealed. (Only the most horrid mishap would prevent a native from taking shelter by night.) Neither pitiful begging nor chilling cries of agony will open Barovian doors after nightfall. (If a door does open, you had best beware of your host.) The folk do not emerge from their homes until the ball of sun has cleared the mountains to the east.

Except when conducting a funeral, Barovians do not frequent their churches. The people feel that their gods have abandoned them. The continuing evil of their tyrant lord and his routine slayings have led them to this belief. Each village does have a temple or church, but it usually lies in disrepair. Smaller villages may not even have a proper priest.

Occasionally a young couple filled with the optimism of new love will arrange a church sedding with a gay and boisterous procession. That only occurs in the smaller villages. Gone are the days when families advertised the availability of girl for marriage by hanging a wreath of wildflowers on the door. The gilrs usually disappeared.

Count Strahd allows the gypsies great freedom in Barovia. They offer him information about Barovia and the rest of the demiplane. In exchange, he grants them safty within Barovia. Anyone who encounters a gypsy in this domain can be sure that Count Strahd will know of the meeting within a day.

The Gypsies maintain a semi-permanent camp at the base of Castle Ravenloft, near a pool formed in the river Ivlis. Most Barovians consider them to be amoral thieves, but still pay to watch their shows and conduct trade with them. Gypsies are not allowed to loiter within town limits.

The Gypsies have a potion that allows them to pass through the choking fog surrounding the Village of Barovia. No gypsy will sell this secret formula. But for a fee of 10 gold pieces per person, the gypsies will transport merchants and travelers through the choking ring of fog. Just before entering the fog, all travelers imbibe the potion.  The culture level of this land is medieval.

The Lord: Count Stahd Von Zarovich rules this land. The natives call him "the devil Strahd,". He is a cruel tyrant, whom the folk dare not disobey. Fortunately for them, Strahd rules from the shadows. He rarely appears in public, though rumors of his visits are common. He is not concerned with the folks daily lives and generally does not interfere with their dismal routines.

Strahd does not govern as would a king or price. He makes very few formal commandments. He does not even collect regular taxes. That is for the few boyars (landholders) and burgomasters (mayors). It is they who tax the populace, and act as jailors for those unable to pay. But like the peasants, the boyars and the burgomasters bow to Strahd. He takes what he wants from them when he needs to take it.....

On rare occasions, Strahd has established laws. The most notable is the law stating that anyone who enters his castle uninvited will be put to death....


*note: Encouters double by night and triple when near Castle Ravenloft at night.

Common:                         Rare:

Zombies                          Crawling claws

Skeletons                        Cloakers

Worg wolves                  Hell hounds

Bats                                Invisible stalkers

Rats                               Jackleweres

Small animals                 Lycanthropes

                                     Will o'wisps

                                      Any other undead