This is a miscellaneous page containing links, polls and contact information,
The Red Dragon Inn is a site for fanatasy and AD&D fans alike! Featuring
fantasy poetry and short stories, as well as DM and player resources, a searchable database, message boards, chat, and dowloads.
Also, home of Audlais, a unique campaign setting for AD&D.
A very well developed and long standing
Campaign website run by Raven. The setting is the Forgotten Realms prior to the Time of Troubles. The game itself
is played on the boards at the RDINN.
Contact (the former DM of a long dead game, Masquerade, a.k.a. David Moss) the
webmaster at peterjlaub@hotmail.com
*because I always create an alias for these things I then have to create an email address
as well but I'm never online much these days or bother checking the damned emails and then the accounts end up closing,so
I've said to hell with it and given my full time used email address. Also please note that I haven't actually checked
any of these email address in over a year so I apologize to anyone that has tried to contact me.